Transmission gnome new in the rental warehouse!!



For the coming Christmas period our new show piece „Transmission gnomes decorate a Christmas tree“ is available in the rental warehouse for an event area in a hotel, shopping centre, or Christmas market.

What is happening there:
Many 75 cm tall gnome figures stand up on the pedals and activate a conveyor belt, which turns a Christmas tree. From a scaffold, a gnome is trying to decorate a rotating Christmas tree with a string of lights. Another gnome is already sitting in the tree and attaching Christmas baubles.

Who is it for:
This compact and easy to build show piece is conceived for small to medium promotions areas.

•    Short assembly time 
•    Manageable transport costs 
•    Few components 
•    Many preassembled components 
•    Extensive accessories for decoration

Visit our online product catalogue  Even more direct and without detours go straight to the product film here.

We would also be pleased to send you a product data sheet if you contact us here.

You can find general information on our website


Christmas in a Box in Lüdenscheid

Eine Idee, die zuerst auf der Christmasworld 2016 in Frankfurt gezeigt wurde, und weltweit mehrere male verkauft wurde, steht im aktiven Einsatz. Christmas in a Box – mit modernster Monitor und Medientechnik ausgestattet-wird derzeit im Stern Center in Lüdenscheid gezeigt. Vom 18.11.2016 bis zum Jahreswechsel 2016/17 kann man noch durch unsere Kulisse in das Haus vom Weihnachtsmann blicken.


Detailinformationen zum Produkt findet man hier.